Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Heavy Metal has long earned its title of contraversy in the world.
Craig Lewis, a , explains to a church congrgation how the devil attempts to unleash himself before the American youth through a form of music: Heavy Metal. He continues saying that the musicians would cut into their bodies the mark of the beast (666) . Listeners would then rape, molest, and even kill others; drawing the name of Satan on the victim's body. All done in the name of Satan. In concerts, they would cut their flesh, bleed into glasses, and let each other drink of the blood; sharing in defecation. "...Rock music has historically been associated with themes such as sexual promiscuity, rebellion, drug and alcohol use, and other topics normally considered antithetical to the teachings of Christianity." - Wikipedia

These Heavy Metal groups frequently take to names such as the early 1980 British band "Demon" or albums names such as "Destroy, Destroy, Destroy" by modern day musician Battle Sluts.
"...Metal music punched through the pleasant facade of mainstream music and brought to bear upon a slumbering populace remnants of the ancient Indo-European spirit of vir. It did so through a Romanticist, Faustian form of music-culture which to this day remains controversial, despite the attempts of commercial bands..."
In the 18th century, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote the story Faust which describes a man's encounter with the devil. In somewhat of a bet, the devil allows him to have life, strength, and youth, but if he becomes so enticed by the this that he wishes things to remain thiat way forever, the man's soul is to be given over to Mephistopheles: a demon. Thus the word "Faustian" refers to dealings with the devil. Other questionable sub-genres of Heavy Metal are Black Metal and Death Metal.

Religious leaders and followers believe that Heavy Metal music is saturated with demonic corruption and stress others to avoid it.
Here is a video by Lemmy/Motorhead "Sacrifice"

CAUTION: Discretion is advised.
Demonic images, sexual sacrifices, and tortoruous scenes are displayed within this video clip. If you are one to believe that people can be spiritually affected by musical lyrics/images, you might want to consider skipping the video below:

Music affects the moods of its listeners. Depending on its message and its sound, positive moods can be promoted or negative. In a study done by students at Missouri Western State University, they tested the effects of heavy metal music on levels of aggression. In their results, they found that this specific type of genre does indeed cause more aggression in its listeners. People of violent behavior tend to be attracted to heavy metal and turn to it as a release of emotion or as an instigator.