Monday, April 27, 2009


Also known as Western music, Country music originates from southern parts of U.S. and is deeply rooted in celtic, folk, and gospel music. Many popular artists, as you may have heard, seem to come from America's most southern state, Texas.
Country music first started off as what was called Hillbillie music, utilizing mainly the African Banjo, the Irish fiddle, and the Spanish guitar. Musicians did not appreciate the name, thus "Hillbillie music" turned into "Country" or "Western music." This music, which when played force a unresistable need to jump, dance, and hollar, allowed its listeners a chance to find peace and happiness amoungst any uncomfortable situation. It later found its place in Gospel for a while, but it do not remain in the mainstream of religious music for too long.
Country music, which has pretty much acquired a neutral sense about it amoungst the American people, has dipped its hand in the style of different musical genres and topics. It has spoken on God as well as sex. It has touched on the joys of life, as well as the terrors of life. It has breached areas of life after death, heave - and hell. Yet still, people do not have much to say for or against the musical genre of Country music.